WP SMS Subscriber Form Integration in Elementor

Updated on Apr 28, 2024

To display an SMS newsletter in the Elementor WordPress plugin, follow these steps:

1. In the WP SMS plugin, create a subscriber group for your SMS newsletter.

2. After installing Elementor, open up the page you want to place the subscriber form.

3. Choose edit with Elementor option.

4. From the elements section, select the shortcode.

Shortcode in ELementor

5. In the content section, put in the code below which is the default form of shortcode for the WP SMS subscriber form:

[wp_sms_subscriber_form title="SMS Newsletter" description="" fields="age:Enter Your Age|country:Enter Your Country"]

6. Apply the changes and then it will be shown on the page you requested.

Check out the article on the other ways how to add WP SMS Subscriber Form in WordPress.