WP SMS Membership Integrations: Step-by-Step Guide

Updated on Apr 28, 2024

The WP SMS Membership Integrations add-on is the best solution for improving communication on your membership site. This flexible add-on bridges the gap between your membership plugins, WP SMS & WP SMS Pro plugins, allowing you to easily deliver important updates by SMS. Consider greeting new members pleasantly as soon as they sign up, or expressing gratitude and guiding them once their membership is confirmed. Even if they decide to leave, this add-on allows you to leave a pleasant note, leaving the door open for them to return.

This Add-on provides you:

  • User Registered SMS Notification: Welcome new members with a friendly SMS as soon as they sign up, kickstarting their journey with warmth.
  • Membership Confirmed SMS Notification: Express gratitude and guide members on accessing their benefits when their membership is confirmed.
  • Membership Cancelled SMS Notification: Even if someone decides to leave, send a kind message to keep the door open for their potential return.


Add-On requires the following from your host:

  • PHP version 7.4 or greater.
  • MySQL version 5.7 or greater OR MariaDB version 10.2 or higher.


1. Make sure the below plugins are installed in advance:

2. Install WP SMS Membership Integrations

  • Download the plugin from Your account → Orders → “Your order number”
  • Go to Plugins → Add New and upload wp-sms-membership-integrations.zip
  • Click Install Now and then Activate.
  • Activate the plugin through the Plugins menu in WordPress
  • Add you domain in Your account → Orders → “Your order number” → Manage domain
  • Enter your license key on SMS → Settings → Licenses to enable automatic updates

Activate the license through wp-config.php

You can also activate your license key through wp-config.php by adding the code 

define('WP_SMS_MEMBERSHIP_INTEGRATIONS_LICENSE', 'your-license-key')


Paid Membership Pro

After activating the add-on all you need to do is navigate to SMS → Settings → Paid Membership Pro. Here are the options that are available now:

User Registered SMS Notification

Using this option you can Welcome new members with a friendly SMS as soon as they sign up, kickstarting their journey with warmth.

user registered in paid membership pro

Membership Confirmed SMS Notification

When a member’s membership is confirmed, you can express gratitude and assist them in using this option to receive their advantages.

membership confirmed in paid membership pro

Membership Cancelled SMS Notification

Send a friendly message even if someone chooses to cancel their membership and leave the door open for a possible return.

membership cancelled in paid membership pro