Notifications Settings

Updated on May 18, 2024

New Post Alerts

Manage notifications sent out for new content published on your website.

  • Status: Toggle to activate or deactivate SMS alerts for new posts.
    • Use Case: Enable this to automatically notify subscribers when a new post is published on your blog or news section.
  • Post Types: Specify which types of content trigger notifications.
    • Use Case: Select ‘Posts’ to send notifications for standard blog posts or other custom post types if you want to include them.
  • Taxonomies and Terms: Choose categories or tags to associate with alerts.
    • Use Case: Select specific categories like ‘Promotions’ to send alerts only for posts in these categories, thus targeting the alerts more effectively.
  • Notification Recipients: Select who receives notifications, such as all subscribers or specific user roles.
    • Use Case: Choose ‘Subscribers’ to notify anyone who has subscribed to post alerts.
  • Subscribe Group: Set the default group to receive notifications.
    • Use Case: If you have multiple subscriber groups, you can select which group should receive post notifications, like ‘Daily News Updates’.
  • Force Send: Use to send notifications without additional confirmation during publishing.
    • Use Case: Enable this for urgent updates that should go out as soon as the post is published.
  • Send MMS: If supported by your SMS gateway, send the featured image of the post as an MMS.
    • Use Case: For a visually-driven update, like a gallery post, enabling MMS would allow you to send a key image along with the text.
  • Message Body: Define the SMS format using placeholders for dynamic content like post title or URL.
    • Use Case: Customize this with placeholders to provide specific post details, ensuring each SMS alert is informative and relevant.
  • Post Content Words Limit: Set the maximum word count for post excerpts in notifications.
    • Use Case: Limit your message to ensure it’s concise and under the standard SMS character limit.

Post Author Notification

Alert authors via SMS when their content is published. Ensure the mobile number field is integrated into user profiles under <a href="">Settings > General > Mobile Number Field</a> Source.

  • Status: Toggle to enable author notifications.
  • Post Types: Specify which content types will notify the authors.
  • Message Body: Edit the message sent to authors, using placeholders to include post details.

Note: This notification is sent to the post author’s number as specified in their user profile.

New Release of WordPress

Receive SMS notifications on the Admin Mobile Number for new WordPress releases.

  • Status: Activate notifications for new WordPress version releases.

Register a New User

Receive alerts for new user registrations.

  • Status: Toggle on to get SMS notifications for every new user registration.
  • Message Body for Admin: Customize the message sent to the Admin Mobile Number for new user registrations.
  • Message Body for User: Format the SMS message sent to the user upon registration.
    • Use Case: Send a welcoming message or instructions on what to do next after registration.

New Comment Notification

Set to receive SMS alerts on the Admin Mobile Number for each new comment made on your site.

  • Status: Activate to receive SMS alerts for each new comment.
  • Message Body: Craft the SMS for new comment alerts, including placeholders for details like the commenter’s name and the comment link.
    • Use Case: Customize this to include the post title and a link to the comment to facilitate quick review and moderation.

User Login Notification

Receive notifications on the Admin Mobile Number when users log in, enhancing security.

  • Status: Toggle to send SMS alerts on user login.
    • Use Case: Security-conscious sites can monitor user logins to detect unauthorized access.
  • Specific Roles: Choose user roles that trigger login notifications.
    • Use Case: Select roles like ‘Administrator’ to track when site admins log in for security auditing.
  • Message Body: Customize the SMS message sent upon user login.