By default, when you use the %order_items%
variable (reference) in the SMS message templates, the purchased items in an order are displayed in the following format:
- ProductName x Quantity Price
For example, if a customer orders a product, the purchased item in the SMS looks like this:
- Product A x 2 $49.99
You can customize how order item details are displayed in the SMS using the wp_sms_notification_woocommerce_order_item
Example Usage
To modify the order item data in the SMS notification, add the following hooks to the functions.php
file of your active theme.
Basic Customization: Display Only the Product Name
add_filter('wp_sms_notification_woocommerce_order_item', function ($itemString, $orderItemData, $item, $order) {
return "- {$orderItemData['name']}";
}, 10, 4);
Display the Item Name and the Quantity
add_filter('wp_sms_notification_woocommerce_order_item', function ($itemString, $orderItemData, $item, $order) {
return "- {$orderItemData['name']} x {$orderItemData['quantity']}";
}, 10, 4);
Advanced Example: Display the SKU for Each Item
add_filter('wp_sms_notification_woocommerce_order_item', function ($itemString, $orderItemData, WC_Order_Item $item, $order) {
$metaKey = '_sku'; // Change the meta key accordingly
/** @var \WC_Product $product */
$product = $item->get_product();
$isVariation = $product->is_type('variation');
$metaValue = null;
// Check if the item is a variable product
if ($isVariation) {
$metaValue = $product->get_meta($metaKey);
// Backward compatibility.
if (!$metaValue) {
$metaValue = get_post_meta($product->get_id(), $metaKey, true);
if (!$metaValue) {
$metaValue = $item->get_meta($metaKey);
// Backward compatibility.
if (!$metaValue) {
$metaValue = get_post_meta($item->get_product_id(), $metaKey, true);
return "- SKU: $metaValue | Item: $itemString";
}, 10, 4);