By default, WP SMS allows 5 OTP requests within a 5-minute period. However, you can easily customize both the rate limit and the maximum number of OTP requests a user can make in a specific time window. This is useful for preventing abuse and controlling the number of OTP requests made by users. You can […]
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The %order_meta_{key-name}% and %order_item_meta_{key-name}% variables (reference) can be used to display the value of the meta field of order and the ordered item in your messages. Using the provided filters, you can modify the values of these meta fields before they are sent in the SMS. Example Usage To modify the meta field data in […]
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By default, when you use the %order_items% variable (reference) in the SMS message templates, the purchased items in an order are displayed in the following format: – ProductName x Quantity Price For example, if a customer orders a product, the purchased item in the SMS looks like this: – Product A x 2 $49.99 You […]
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The WP SMS Pro allows users to register using their mobile numbers. By default, it creates usernames in the format phone_XXXX, where XXXX represents the sanitized mobile number. However, you may want to customize this format to fit your website’s needs better. For example, instead of phone_XXXX, you might prefer usernames like newuser_XXXX. This can […]
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The wp_sms_sms_otp_lengthfilter allows developers to modify the length of the One-Time Passcode (OTP) generated by the createCode function. By default, the OTP length is passed as a parameter to the createCode function, but this filter can be used to dynamically adjust it before the OTP is generated Filter Hook: wp_sms_sms_otp_length This filter provides flexibility to […]
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In WP SMS, ensuring the validity of users’ mobile numbers is crucial to maintaining data integrity and ensuring successful SMS communication. This document outlines how to use the checkMobileNumberValidity function and modify its behaviour using hooks. Hook Modification You can modify the behaviour of the mobile validity check by using the wp_sms_mobile_number_validity filter. Here’s an […]
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The wp_sms_single_dispatch_arguments filter allows developers to modify the arguments used before dispatching an SMS to a single number. This can be useful for customizing the SMS parameters, such as the recipient’s number, message content, or any other related argument. Parameters Example 1: Appending an Unsubscribe Link This example demonstrates how to append an unsubscribe link […]
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This filter hook allows you to modify the content of a message before it is sent via the WordPress SMS API. You can customize the message text based on specific conditions or add additional content to the message body. Parameters Example Usage Example Callback Function Additional Examples Example 1: Adding a Timestamp to the Message […]
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Overview The WP SMS plugin includes a filter called “wp_sms_pro_scheduled_interval” that allows you to modify the interval of the scheduled cronjob. By default, the interval is set to 5 minutes, but the “wp_sms_pro_scheduled_interval” filter allows you to change it to 1 minute. This filter can be useful if you want to increase the frequency of […]
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Overview The WP SMS plugin includes a filter called “wp_sms_admin_notify_registration” that allows you to modify the phone number of the admin who receives notifications when a new user registers on the WordPress site. This filter can be useful if you want to customize the phone number that notifications are sent to, or if you want […]
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Overview The WP SMS plugin includes a filter called “wp_sms_from” that allows you to modify the sender’s phone number for SMS messages sent through the plugin. This filter can be useful if you want to customize the phone number that messages are sent from, or if you want to use a different phone number for […]
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Overview The WP SMS plugin includes a filter called “wp_sms_to” that allows you to modify the receiver’s phone number for SMS messages sent through the plugin. This filter can be useful if you want to customize the phone numbers that messages are sent to, or if you want to add additional recipients to the messages. […]
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