Meet WP SMS’s New Messaging Button – Connect with Just a Click

Got the latest WP SMS update, version 6.6? If not, here’s something that might convince you: the new Messaging Button. This easy feature allows your visitors to message your team quickly, based on what you set up.

Chat With Us – It’s Simple

Nobody likes to wait, especially when they need answers. With our new button, your visitors click and get in touch using the contact method you’ve provided. It could be SMS, WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, or Telegram – you decide what’s best for your site.

See Who’s Ready to Chat

The button also shows who from your team is available and their schedule. This way, your visitors know exactly when they can expect a reply if someone isn’t there to chat right away.

Open to Everyone, All the Time

This button makes sure you’re reaching out to all your visitors. It doesn’t matter where they are or what messaging tool they prefer. You choose the methods that work best for your audience, making sure you’re there for them.

Easy Setup

Update your plugin, head over to the settings, find the Messaging Button feature, and activate it. You can write in the times when your team is available to talk.

Free Feature for Your Website

This new button is part of the WP SMS plugin, and it’s free. So, update now, activate the Messaging Button, and start the conversation with your website visitors just like you would with an old friend.

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